Health and Fitness Tips

Category: Lifestyle
Ayurveda medicine is a very comprehensive medicine system that is more that 5,000 years old, that is based on a holistic medicine approach that has its roots in Vedic Culture. Inside the word Ayurveda you will see the word "veda", which means knowledge, tells us it's important role in ancient hinduism. Charaka Samhita [...]

Category: Lifestyle
But going on foot has other benefits too. Most people will agree that a ten to twenty minute walk in the air is a great way to clarify your thoughts and put your problems into perspective. One aspect of walking that is under-appreciated is how much it can enhance your creativity. “Studies have shown that spending as [...]

Category: Lifestyle
Detoxification refers to the removal of toxic substance from human body by various methods. Detoxification takes place through various organs of the human body like lungs, liver, kidney and skin. Detoxification is also done by artificial methods like dialysis, acupuncture detoxification and chelation therapy. [...]

Category: Working Out
Although the two types of exercise--anaerobic and aerobic--sound similar, they are actually quite different--and the controversy over which type of exercise is best continues. “Aerobic” literally means in the presence of oxygen. In general, any activity that allows oxygen to release energy through metabolism [...]

Category: Working Out
Have you ever wondered which cardio exercises are best for burning off extra body fat? Is walking (low intensity) better or running (high intensity) better for burning body fat? Well, both low and high intensity exercises will help you burn off body fat. The question is which is more effective and burn more body [...]

Category: Nutrition
In an attempt to explain the obesity epidemic in the world, fingers have recently been pointing to fructose – the sweetener found naturally in fruit and honey and as a component of high-fructose corn syrup used in sweetened foods and beverages. Some research has suggested that fructose may stimulate a hormonal [...]

Category: Working Out
Most people new to bodybuilding pay a lot of attention to building big arms, sometimes to the point of overtraining. Don't forget, the arm muscles are brought into play during most exercises aimed at other body parts so care must be taken not to overdo things. Having said that, the arms are complex body parts in [...]

Category: Nutrition
An increasingly number of the world's population is now eager and interested in looking after their health and in keeping tune with their well-being. It is important to note that this awareness is progressively contributing to the creation of several health supplements to benefit both the adults and the young ones. [...]

Category: Working Out
We all know how difficult in might be to make it to the gym after 9 long hours at work. I bet it has happened to you as well. But what do you do when you don't feel you have the energy to stop by the local gym on your way home? Or may be you don't have the time for a workout at the gym. You can only use 20 - 30 [...]

Category: Lifestyle
Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about Acne? The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about Acne. Here are some tips that have helped hundreds of people suffering from acne. Hopefully, these will help you too: 1. Water is [...]